歌手: 2pm
歌曲:Hands up

歌詞: 韓文 / 中譯 / ♪中文空耳

울려 퍼지는 음악에 맞춰環繞四周響亮的音樂節奏
♪ 嗚溜 剖基呢 嗯媽給 媽秋 
Everyone put your hands up
Everyone put your hands up  
and get your drinks up
and get your drinks up 
온 세상이 함께 미쳐 Oh!和整個世界一起瘋狂
翁 ㄙㄟ桑一 夯給 咪秋 
Everyone put your hands up
Everyone put your hands up  
and get your drinks up
and get your drinks up 
Now, put your hands up, put your hands up  
Now, put your hands up, put your hands up    
put, put, put, put, put
put, put, put, put, put  

put your hands up,put your hands up
put your hands up ,    put your hands up
put put put put put
put put put put put 

put your hands up,put your hands up
put your hands up ,    put your hands up
put put put put put
put put put put put

put your hands up,put your hands up
put your hands up ,    put your hands up
put put put put put
put put put put put

볼륨을 높여 스피커 터지도록把音量調大,直到喇叭爆裂為止
剖綠ㄇ noㄆㄧㄡ 瑟披扣 偷基都摟 
그리고 모두 함께 미쳐 정신 빠지도록 和大家一起瘋狂,放鬆精神吧
顆粒勾 摸度 夯給 咪秋 衝新 巴基都摟 
정신 빠지도록 정신 빠지도록放鬆精神吧,放鬆精神吧
衝新  巴基都摟 衝新 巴基都摟
온 몸을 흔들어 봐 봐  舞動你的身體,搖擺吧
翁 摸ㄇ 亨的摟 叭 叭 
아무 생각 안 나도록 把所有想法都拋開
阿木 ㄙㄟ嘎 安 那都摟 

오늘 모두 함께 밤 새 내 말에 今天,讓我們玩個通宵
歐呢 摸度 夯給 胖 ㄙㄟ 內 媽累 
동의하는 사람 만세  同意的人,讓我們一起說聲萬歲
通耶哈呢 撒郎 曼ㄙㄟ 
오늘 끝까지 계속 달려가세今天,就讓我們一起瘋狂到底
歐呢 克嘎基 ㄎㄧㄝ蒐 它溜嘎ㄙㄟ 
이랴! 이랴! You know what I’m sayin’ 來吧!歡呼吧!你知道我在說什麼
ㄌㄧㄚ  伊ㄌㄧㄚ You  know  what  I'm  sayin
이건 귀로 듣는 피로 회복제 영양제你聽到的,就是治好你疲倦的營養劑
伊公 虧摟 特呢 匹摟 會剖接 用央接 
파티를 터트리는 기폭제 就是點燃氣氛的引爆劑
怕替了 偷特力呢 ㄎㄧ剖接 
밤 새 흔들리는 불빛에 和那夜裡晃動的燈光,互相輝映
胖 ㄙㄟ 亨的力呢 曝匹切 
딱 어울리지 내 말 맞제 這個只屬於我瘋狂的夜
搭 歐嗚力基 內 媽 媽接 

울려 퍼지는 음악에 맞춰
嗚溜 剖基呢 嗯媽給 媽秋 
Everyone put your hands up
Everyone put your hands up  
and get your drinks up
and get your drinks up 
온 세상이 함께 미쳐 Oh!和整個世界一起瘋狂
翁 ㄙㄟ桑一 夯給 咪秋 
Everyone put your hands up
Everyone put your hands up  
and get your drinks up
and get your drinks up 
Now, put your hands up, put your hands up  
Now, put your hands up, put your hands up    
put, put, put, put, put
put, put, put, put, put  

put your hands up,put your hands up
put your hands up ,    put your hands up
put put put put put
put put put put put 

put your hands up,put your hands up
put your hands up ,    put your hands up
put put put put put
put put put put put

put your hands up,put your hands up
put your hands up ,    put your hands up
put put put put put
put put put put put

Here we go here we go 계속 달리자고  繼續一起奔跑
Here  we  go Here  we  go ㄎㄧㄝ蒐 它力加勾 
이제 겨우 열두 시 아직 해 뜰려면 멀었다고現在才12點,離天亮都還早
伊接 ㄎㄧㄡ嗚 優度 希 阿基 黑 特溜謬 摸摟搭勾 
해 뜰려면 멀었다고 해 뜰려면 멀었다고 離天亮還早,離天亮還早 
嘿 特溜謬 摸摟搭勾 黑 特溜謬 摸摟搭勾
그러니 한 잔 더 마시고所以,讓我們再喝一杯吧
克摟你 和 燦 偷 媽希勾 
다시 시작하자고 讓我們再來一次吧
它希 希加咖基勾 

해가 뜨기 전에 절대 一直到那日出之前
嘿嘎 特ㄍㄧ 湊內 湊ㄉㄟ 
음악이 끊기는 일이 없게 讓音樂響徹整夜
ㄜ媽ㄍㄧ 克ㄍㄧ呢 伊力 歐給 
DJ 오늘 밤을 부탁해DJ,今晚拜託你了
DJ 歐呢 怕ㄇ 曝他給 
오빠 믿어도 되지 OK? (哥,我可以相信你吧,OK?)
歐爸 咪偷都 推基 ok 
Yes Sir 나는 먼저 들어갈게 Yes Sir,讓我們先進去
yes  sir 那呢 蒙糾 特摟咖給 
이런 말이 나오는 일이 없게 這些節奏不會讓它停下來的
伊龍 媽力 那喔呢 伊力 歐給 
술 한 잔을 다같이 들이킬게讓我們大家一起,再喝一杯吧
素 汗 擦呢 它嘎七 特力ㄎㄧ給 
one shot 다같이 자 갈게 一起舉起來乾杯吧
one  shot 它嘎七 擦 咖給 

울려 퍼지는 음악에 맞춰環繞四周響亮的音樂節奏
嗚溜 剖基呢 嗯媽給 媽秋 
Everyone put your hands up
Everyone put your hands up  
and get your drinks up
and get your drinks up 
온 세상이 함께 미쳐 Oh!和整個世界一起瘋狂
翁 ㄙㄟ桑一 夯給 咪秋 
Everyone put your hands up
Everyone put your hands up  
and get your drinks up
and get your drinks up 
Now, put your hands up, put your hands up  
Now, put your hands up, put your hands up    
put, put, put, put, put
put, put, put, put, put  

put your hands up,put your hands up
put your hands up ,    put your hands up
put put put put put
put put put put put 

put your hands up,put your hands up
put your hands up ,    put your hands up
put put put put put
put put put put put

put your hands up,put your hands up
put your hands up ,    put your hands up
put put put put put
put put put put put

Don’t stop 오늘 밤은 떠오르는 모든 생각은 今晚,把所有想法盡情展現
Don't  stop 歐呢 怕ㄇ 都歐了呢 摸登 ㄙㄟ嘎更 
비워 버리고는 다같이 즐겨 봐 把無謂的東西拋開,一起享受吧
匹我 剖力勾呢 它嘎七 策ㄎㄧㄡ 吧 

Now, put your hands up, put your hands up  
Now, put your hands up, put your hands up    
put, put, put, put, put
put, put, put, put, put  

put your hands up,put your hands up
put your hands up ,    put your hands up
put put put put put
put put put put put 

put your hands up,put your hands up
put your hands up ,    put your hands up
put put put put put
put put put put put

put your hands up,put your hands up
put your hands up ,    put your hands up
put put put put put
put put put put put

put your hands up
put your hands up

韓文歌詞* Korean lyrics from (Duam뮤직)
中譯歌詞*Chinese lyrics from (youku優酷)mv


    創作者 Sunyu 的頭像

    Sunyu & KPOP空耳

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